KY Does Not Hesitate to Impose Sanctions of Dismissal against Supreme Court Justice Sudrajad|Two KKB Members with 113 Ammunition Arrested in Timika|OTT Supreme Court Justice, Sahroni: KPK is Professional and FirmTuesday, April 12, 2022 |16:53 WIB By : Feriawan Hidayat / FERJakarta, - Since the Covid-19 case in Indonesia, especially when it reaches the peak curve, it is increasingly realized that the availability of medical oxygen is something that is urgently needed.Outside of Covid-19, medical oxygen is used for a wide range of healthcare, from non-invasive or intensive care to emergency situations, and is used via ventilators for breathing apparatus.Raden Said Sukanto Hospital or Kramat Jati Police Hospital received oxygen generator assistance from PT Kino Indonesia Tbk.This assistance is very meaningful considering that the Police Hospital, which is a Covid-19 referral hospital, does not yet have an oxygen generator.In fact, oxygen is needed by patients undergoing treatment.The Head of Raden Said Sukanto Hospital, Brigadier General Asep Hendradiana, expressed his gratitude to PT Kino Indonesia Tbk, for providing one unit of oxygen generator."On behalf of myself and the organization I would like to express my deepest gratitude for the donation, oxygen generator engine from PT Kino Indonesia Tbk. The capacity of 200 liters per minute is quite large. And thank God this tool is also a tool made by Indonesian children. able to make a machine that can produce quite a lot of oxygen," said Asep, Monday (11/4/2022).The oxygen generator handed over by Kino is the first generator at the Raden Said Sukanto Hospital, this assistance makes his party more committed to providing the best service, especially for Covid-19 patients."Alhamdulillah, until now Sukanto Hospital has treated Covid-19 patients, in the past two years there have been nearly 12,500 Covid-19 patients. Indeed, in recent times, the condition has decreased considerably. We have provided 108 beds, and we are still treating approximately 13 patients. Indeed, the patient requires treatment, requires oxygen assistance, so yes, thank God we can provide the best, especially with this oxygen generator tool, "he explained.Clara Linanda, Head of Corporate Relations of PT Kino Indonesia Tbk (KINO), Clara Linanda, said that an oxygen generator is a device that can capture and filter oxygen from nature, and separate it from the nitrogen content, to be processed, to the level of purity required for treatment. medical, which is above 90%."Because of the importance of providing oxygen for public health services, we were moved to donate an oxygen generator with a capacity of 200 liters per minute which can supply more or less pure oxygen continuously to 100 hospital beds," said Clara Linanda.Clara added that the Police Hospital is a Covid-19 referral hospital and at the same time a hospital with a fairly high level of service occupancy, so Kino is confident that this oxygen generator will help fulfill public health services."By using this oxygen generator, the availability of oxygen will be unlimited and not constrained by the existing stock," added Clara.Watch live streaming of BeritaSatu TV programs hereThe following is data on Covid-19 vaccine recipients until September 23, 2022, according to data from the Ministry of Health.The following is the Covid-19 Case & Death Data in Jakarta, 23 September 2022 according to data from the Ministry of Health.The KPK suspects that the Supreme Court Justice, Sudrajad Dimyati, did not only accept bribes related to the management of the Intidana savings and loan cooperative bankruptcy case.The following is the National Active Case Data for Covid-19 until September 23, 2022, according to data from the Ministry of Health.The following is the Highest Prevalence of Covid-19 in 10 Provinces, September 23, 2022, according to data from the Ministry of Health.The Cartenz Peace Team and Mimika Police arrested the Chair of the West Papua National Committee (KNPB) Timika with the initials YES regarding the supply of ammunition for the KKB.The following is the Covid-19 Positivity Rate Data until September 23, 2022 according to data from the Ministry of Health.The following is the lowest recovery data for Covid-19 in 10 provinces, 23 September 2022, according to data from the Ministry of Health.The following is data on positive cases and deaths of Covid-19 until September 23, 2022, according to data from the Ministry of Health.The following is the Highest Death Data for Covid-19 in 10 Provinces, September 23, 2022, according to data from the Ministry of Health.