"We are also aware that there are some that are prone to irregularities in the field," said the Secretary General of the Ministry of Agriculture (Secretary General of the Ministry of Agriculture) Kasdi Subagyono.9,880 views, 2 views todayLampung.co - Farmers in South Lampung admit that they have difficulty getting subsidized nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium (NPK) fertilizers for their rice plants that are 20-25 days after planting (HST).“Farmers are having a hard time finding subsidized fertilizers of the phonska or NPK type.If there is a subsidized fertilizer of the urea type.Meanwhile, currently farmers need the NPK type," said Wayan Angker, one of the farmers in Baliagung Village, Palas District, Friday (26/8/2022) quoted from Lambost.co.Meanwhile, NPK fertilizers, especially Phonska NPK are important to increase agricultural production.This fertilizer is widely used by rice farmers, because it can increase crop yields and grain quality.Meanwhile, the distributor of subsidized fertilizer in the village admitted that the stock of subsidized fertilizer of the NPK Phonska type in the village had been absorbed 100 percent, aka the quota had run out and this year there was a reduction in the subsidy quota from the government.The Ministry of Agriculture admits that the management of subsidized fertilizers is still experiencing various obstacles.Among them are inadequate supporting facilities for the data collection and control system of fertilizer distribution.In addition, it involves inter-sectoral agencies which will require intense coordination.This is very important in order to ensure the availability of subsidized fertilizers needed by farmers to maximize production yields."We are also aware that there are some that are prone to irregularities in the field," said the Secretary General of the Ministry of Agriculture (Secretary General of the Ministry of Agriculture) Kasdi Subagyono in a hearing with Commission IV of the DPR, last Thursday (3/2/2022).(*)9,881 views, 3 views todayAfrilia Netalisa works for the online media Lampung.co which is responsible for raising social issues according to her field of expertise.High Selling Price, Polynela Develops Oriental Makuwauri Melon from JapanApart from fishermen, farmers in Lampung also feel the impact of rising solar pricesSoybean Production in Lampung Drops Drastically, People's Representatives 'Colek' the Provincial GovernmentThe First Harvest of Lampung Millennial Farmers Attended by the Minister of AgricultureThe Price of Damar in the West Coast Drops Seriously, What's the Role of the Government?Farmers in Tanggamus Contribute to Increasing Horticultural ExportsThe act was carried out twice at the victim's house, once in the suspect's boarding room and once in one of the kindergarten classrooms in Sukoharjo.21,961 views, 6,706 views todayLampung.co - A young man with the initials MM (20) a resident of Pekon Sukoharjo III, Sukoharjo Sub-district, was secured by the Women and Children Protection Unit (PPA) with the back up of Tekab 308 Precision Satreskrim Pringsewu Police for having sex with a minor.Pringsewu Police Chief AKBP Rio Cahyowidi through Head of Criminal Investigation Unit Iptu Feabo Adigo Mayora Pranata explained that the suspect MM was arrested by the police on Tuesday (20/9/22) around 1 am in the morning at the boarding house in Sukoharjo III Village."Yes, yesterday the PPA Unit managed to secure the suspect with the initials MM.He was arrested on suspicion of being involved in sexual intercourse," said Iptu Feabo to the media crew on Wednesday (21/9/2022) afternoon.He explained that in mid-December 2021, the victim became acquainted with the suspect through social networks.After intense communication, the two of them have a romantic relationship or courtship.On the basis of this relationship, the suspect then had sexual intercourse with the victim 4 (four) times.The relationship like husband and wife occurs in the period from January to March 2022.Feabo added that the suspect's depraved act was uncovered after the victim's aunt saw the contents of the short message on the victim's cellphone.The short message contained an invitation to have a relationship like husband and wife from the suspect.“When interrogated by the family, the victim admitted that he had had several intimate relationships with the suspect.The victim's family who did not accept the suspect's actions then reported it to the police," he said.In front of the police, the suspect MM admitted that he had had sexual intercourse with the victim 4 times.The act was carried out twice at the victim's house, once in the suspect's boarding room and once in one of the kindergarten classrooms in Sukoharjo.As a result of the suspect's actions, the victim, who is 15 years old and currently in high school, is pregnant with 7 (seven) months of pregnancy.(*)21,962 views, 6,707 views todayElectric cars have different working principles which can be selected according to their individual needs.20,168 views, 5,934 views todayLampung.co - Electric cars are now increasingly popular, becoming one of the choices for people who want a vehicle that is more environmentally friendly.The increase in the price of fuel oil (BBM) in Indonesia is also a factor in the increasing public interest in electric cars.Various car manufacturers are now competing in presenting the latest electric car innovations.This is also driven by government support for environmentally friendly cars.In addition, there are many advantages that will be obtained by electric vehicle owners, such as the application of electric vehicle tax incentives to freedom from odd-even rules.If you are considering buying an electric car, it's good to know that there are different types of electric vehicles.Classified into four types, electric cars have different working principles which can be selected according to their individual needs.Starting from vehicles that have a working principle that relies entirely on electricity to those that only utilize part of the electrification power.The following is an explanation regarding the types of electric cars from the Co-Founder of Lifepal.co.id, Benny Fajarai.This type of Battery Electric Vehicle (BEV) is a car that uses electricity completely as a source of propulsion, this type does not have a combustion system or traction motor.The propulsion power is stored in a battery which can be recharged by connecting it to an external power line.Electric cars with BEV technology have the privilege of being able to store power when braking or slowing down by using electrical components that function as generators, this generator will generate power and store electricity in the battery.When compared to electric cars with HEV or PHEV technology, electric cars with BEV technology are claimed to be more efficient and economical.Examples of cars with BEV technology are the Hyundai Ioniq, Nissan Leaf, and Wuling Air EV.This type of Hybrid Electric Vehicle (HEV) is a car that is commonly known as a hybrid car.This type of HEV is included in electric cars that rely on partial or partial electric power.The car with HEV technology combines two drive systems that are sourced from batteries and fuel oil.In HEV, the battery cannot be recharged externally, because HEV does not have a charging port.However, the battery can be charged when the vehicle is braking because similar to the BEV type, the electric motor functions as a generator that stores electrical energy into the battery.Hybrid cars can consume twice as much fuel as conventional cars.The types of HEV cars are the Honda Civic Hybrid, Toyota Prius Hybrid, and Toyota Camry Hybrid.The Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle (PHEV) type is also included in vehicles that partially rely on electricity other than fuel.PHEV technology cars operate using electricity and fuel simultaneously.PHEV car batteries can be recharged externally or take advantage of kinetic movement when braking.Thanks to the combination of electric power and fuel, PHEV cars are believed to have a good level of fuel economy.The types of PHEV cars are the Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV, BMW i8, and Toyota C-HR.The type of Fuel-Cell Vehicle (FCEV) or zero emission vehicle relies on Fuel-Cell to generate electricity.This type of electric car has not been widely used in Indonesia.The working principle of FCEV is not much different from the BEV type.However FCEV has a system to convert chemical energy from Fuel-Cell.So this type of car produces its own electricity to run the vehicle.While the types of FCEV cars are the Toyota Mirai, Hyundai Tucson FCEV, and Honda Clarity Fuel Cell."Whatever type of electric car you choose later, don't forget to provide protection by using insurance," said Benny in a written statement received by Lampung.co, Wednesday (21/9/2022).By having insurance you will feel more comfortable when driving, because you no longer need to worry about financial losses if one day there is an accident.Vehicle insurance can provide you with financial guarantees in the form of compensation for various risks that may occur in the vehicle.(*)20,169 views, 5,935 views todayYou may also share this information with relatives or co-workers via social media or WhatsApp messages and groups because some of them may need it.3,628,000 views, 6,650 views todayLampung.co - This is a special page for the Lampung weather forecast which we will update every day based on the latest data from the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG).This means that this page is valid every day for Lampung.co readers who want to know the weather forecast in all areas of Lampung province, including today's forecast for Bandar Lampung.This is important for those of you who want to plan a trip or will carry out activities that depend on weather conditions.Therefore, you can save or archive the link to this weather forecast page in Lampung in an easy-to-remember place to visit again in the future.You may also share this information with relatives or co-workers via social media or WhatsApp messages and groups because some of them may need it.The following is the general weather forecast for Lampung Province, Wednesday, September 21, 2022:Afternoon-afternoon: potential for rain in most areas of Lampung.At night: potential for rain in the areas of Pesibar, Tanggamus, Lambar, Lamteng, Pringsewu.Early morning: potential for rain in Pesibar, Tanggamus, Lambar areas.Air temperature: 15.0 °C – 33.0 °C.Air humidity: 60-100%.Wind : Southeast – West with a speed of 03 – 20 knots (5 – 40 Km/hour).Early Warning: Be aware of the potential for heavy rain accompanied by lightning and strong winds in the areas of Lambar, Way Kanan, Lampura, Lamteng, Balam, Pesawaran, Pringsewu, Tanggamus, Pesibar during the afternoon and evening.3,628,000 views, 6,651 views todayLampung Weather Forecast TodayHow to Treat Knee Injury Due to Impact Without Going to the DoctorSebesi Island Kalianda Lampung, Enjoying the View of Mount Anak KrakatauMarine Eco Park Beach Lampung, Children's Destination TodayTypes of Electric Cars You Need to Know Before BuyingHigh Selling Price, Polynela Develops Oriental Makuwauri Melon from JapanStreet Angklung musicians were stabbed by the Bandar Lampung Satpol PP, this is their lifeApart from fishermen, farmers in Lampung also feel the impact of rising solar pricesCopyright © 2022 Lampung.co under the auspices of PT Media Inti Lampung.