I was in a stand and I didn't need the 308 Winchester, scoped rifle I had with me. Instead I used a camera and enjoyed the scene.
Well folks, Labor Day is behind us and dove hunting season is upon us, and other seasons rapidly approaching. I expect all deer hunters are hustling around getting ready. Of course, there are always those, like myself, who wait like I do until after Thanksgiving and let many of the folks get out of the woods.
At this time, I am going to poke a little fun at us deer hunters expense, so bear with me.
I got to thinking today about the first time I ever harvested a whitetail deer. It was a time when many deer hunters of today were not even born yet and you can bet that I didn't have any deer tags if such a thing was even in existence. I did have a hunting license and a duck stamp though because they were necessary, and I was duck hunting.
I was sitting on the edge of a marsh pond with my father's Winchester Model 24, double barrel, 12 gauge shotgun. I was using his because mine broke a spring and was in the shop.
There was a hedge row at my back and I was sitting resting at the edge of the trees after a long couple hours of walking the marsh under a heavily clouded sky and never saw a duck. I always hunted ducks and geese with a Number 4 lead shot and carried a couple 00 Buckshot for high flying geese.
My attire was blue jeans, sneakers, and a denim jacket as the temperature was cold and hanging around the 50-degree range.
I had sat there unmoving, watching the sky and the pond and contemplating giving up for the morning when some movement caught my eye about a hundred yards up the hedge row to my left. It was a whitetail buck and slowly moving my way. Now, not being one to pass up some meat I quietly replace the Number 4s in the barrels with the 00 Buckshot and sat.
His mind was on something else, probably a doe, and he got to within about 60 yards when I let go the full choke barrel and he dropped and then jumped up and into the hedge row. I found him not more than 15 feet from where I had hit him in the chest. Then I had to carry and drag him a good mile back to the car. That was as much work as the time Junior and I had to carry 16 geese out of the marsh, but that's another story.
Here is the jest of that story:
I was shooting lead shot, legally.
I took the deer with 00 Buckshot, legally.
My clothing was denim and not scent proofed.
I wore no hat or face paint.
The closest engine was a miles away in my automobile.
I had nothing with me that was battery powered.
I was alone and did carry a compass just in case.
I had a sharp hunting knife and pocket knife.
Let's fast forward to the 21st Century.
Consider that most deer in Texas are still taken at 100 yards or less, many whitetail deer hunters are using rifles with scopes and may not be able to hit a barn with iron sights because they have never tried.
Some of the rifle scopes are even electronic that can supply the shooter with the range, automatically adjust the sights to match the load and range, and other things hunters should know from practicing with their rifles. Of course electric anything runs on batteries with a limited running time.
The modern hunter wears camo everything, including face paint, even though many are hunting in elevated deer stands or blinds on the ground and completely hidden from view.
Many may also have their clothes washed in scent free special cleaner. In order to keep the “Man” smell down some may have a battery-powered portable ozone generator. Note, more battery-powered.
The area to be hunted has a feeder to keep the deer coming in the morning and evening to feed. Let's see, that's more batteries.
Oh, we can't forget the trail camera that will not only take pictures of what's going on around your feeder or stand, but they will send the pictures to your cell phone or computer. Each needing batters.
An ATV is normally used today by many to access the stand or area where a blind will be setup, even though a deer can hear and smell an ATV for a mile or more away. In cold weather, ATVs will creak and pop as the engines cool down. Don't forget about the smell of exhaust, oil and gas, and fumes from all of the plastic. And if you think about getting an electric powered ATV, take a look at California with their government telling people not to charge their electric cars last week in order to save electrical power.
I know all of this is true because I have been there and done that myself. Digressing to letting “High Tech” everything over shadow hunting skill and the spirit of the hunt is really a poor reflection on how far some have strayed. If you want to dress up, be comfy and play video games that is fine, just do it at home.
Many residents across the Houston area are still dealing with the lingering effects of Hurricane Harvey, such as mental health issues, unsafe living conditions and financial distress.
By Dug Begley, Sam González Kelly