Don't Be Surprised, Nitrogen Tires Are TubelessJAKARTA, - The nitrogen air filling device for tires, in fact, does not use a reservoir tube.Thus, don't be surprised if you don't find a tube when filling the air, but only a compressor and a nitrogen-producing machine.This is not without reason, because nitrogen gas in the earth's atmosphere dominates up to 79 percent.Also read: Myth or Fact, Hydraulic Car Wash Can Damage Your Feet?Rudy Antono, Service Manager for Setiawan Spooring, said that there are nitrogen filling equipment that uses a tube, but at the outlet it uses a device that can produce its own nitrogen.Jasa Marga Public Relations Documentation One of the free Nitrogen filling services provided to motorists who leave Jakarta during the Christmas and New Year period, Sunday (12/26/2021)."In our place, nitrogen is produced using a nitrogen-generating machine, not refilled with tubes," said Rudy to Kompas, Saturday (25/6/2022)Rudy said, with an abundant amount, it is not necessary to accommodate it in a tube like oxygen and other gases.Based on the official website of Green Nitrogen, N2 gas does not need to be refilled using a tool, but can be produced directly by taking it from free air.Because in fact, the nitrogen that was successfully produced was only the result of filtering free air that was pumped by the compressor and flowed to the N2 Generator.Also read: Is it necessary to fill air in car tires with nitrogen?The high-pressure compressor will push free air with a nitrogen content of 79 percent, 20 percent oxygen, and 1 percent water vapor to the N2 generator engine.Furthermore, in the engine the air will be filtered with Carbon Molecular Sieve (CMS) so that nitrogen will be separated from oxygen and others.New, nitrogen gas will be channeled into car tires.Bridgestone Before a road trip, make sure all aspects of the vehicle are in top condition, including the tires.Even the nitrogen generator engine can also vacuum until it runs out before being filled into vehicle tires.This needs to be done, because the gas that is expected to fill the tires is pure oxygen.To always maintain the nitrogen level of the machine, the tool is also routinely calibrated.Thus, the nitrogen created is guaranteed to always reach 95-99.5 percent.Write your comments with the hashtag #JernihBerkomentar and win e-vouchers for 90 winners!Get information and insight selected by editorsDouble check and complete your data.Your data will be used for account verification when you need assistance or when unusual activity is found on your account.Immediately complete your data to join the #JernihBerkomentar program.