Humans Can Survive on Mars As Long As They Have Tools Like This

2022-05-14 01:41:24 By : Ms. Amy Cao

VIVA – Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun.This Earth Neighbor offers a dusty desert landscape and has an atmosphere so thin that it's not entirely perfect for men.However, that can all change thanks to an unexpected tool.Solar power is likely to be more efficient at helping humans survive on Mars than nuclear energy, according to new research by researchers from the University of California, Berkeley, United States (US).The scientific team has examined the energy output levels of different types of technology and decided that a solar generator would be the best to power future Martians.Solar power can help generate the energy needed to break down water molecules to produce hydrogen.Use with nitrogen will result in an ammonia fertilizer, according to the Sputniknews website on Sunday, May 8, 2022.When searching for the best resources to colonize Mars, the team had to take into account the proper placement of solar generators on the Red Planet.That's because solar panels depend on factors such as the intensity of the Sun, surface temperature and many other factors, so the team had to pinpoint the perfect location for a solar-powered energy source on Mars.The scientists found that a photovoltaic array that uses compressed hydrogen for energy storage would be an ideal solution for a Martian colony."Trouble maker.Charming social media, pop culture practitioner.Loyal reader."A “yellow brick road” found in the unknown depths of the Pacific OceanScientist's Explanation About the Sun's Extinguishing and Earth's Annihilation According to the Qur'an: Okezone technoYour email address will not be published.Required fields are marked *Save my name, email and website in this browser for my next comments.PR BEKASI – A giant black hole in the heart of the Milky Way galaxy has been successfully recorded by US astronomers.This is the first image of a black hole they took.The US astronomical organization claims to have released the first clearly visible black hole portrait in the Milky Way galaxy.Also read: One Piece 1050, Oda Reveals the Trigger of the Battle of Luffy Vs the World Government, Has something to do with Sabo and ViviFeryal Ozel of the University of Arizona described the black hole in the Milky Way Galaxy Sgr A* and compared it to M87*.They showed a portrait of the black hole while they were holding a press conference hosted by the US National Science Foundation, with the Event Horizon Telescope (ehtelescope) Collaboration in Washington DC."Today astronomers released the first images of a supermassive black hole at the center of our own Milky Way Galaxy," the organization said.Black holes cannot be observed through Earth, and it is very rare for astronauts in space to be able to take clear, close-up images of them at the heart of the Milky Way.Read also: First images of a supermassive black hole revealed, 4 million times more massive than the sunNot only can the shape of the black hole be seen, but the appearance and movement of the black hole can be clearly seen.Physically, the shape of a black hole can be categorized as a giant size even though it is interpreted without a definite tool to measure it."Trouble maker.Charming social media, pop culture practitioner.Loyal reader."Soil on the moon turns out to be overgrown with plants, but it depends on the—Plants can grow in the soil may be normal.Green beans can also grow on cotton, as we often did when we were in school.But what if plants could grow on the soil of the rocky Moon?Is it possible?Scientists have succeeded in growing plants in lunar soil.The findings were reported by them in the April 12, 2022, journal of Communication Biology entitled Plants growing on Apollo's lunar regolith present stress-related transcriptomes that inform prospects for lunar exploration.The results provide insight for scientists to send humans back to the Moon by 2024. This success is the first step in our future being able to grow plants on the Moon as a source of food and oxygen, or during space missions."The Artemis [space program] will require a better understanding of how to grow crops in space," said Robert Ferl, study co-author and professor of horticultural sciences at the University of Florida's Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences.The researchers also say that the findings also open up understanding that soil samples brought from the Moon did not contain pathogens, or foreign components that could harm land.“For longer space missions in the future, we might use the Moon as a launch center or launch pad.It makes sense that we want to use the land that is already there for farming,” explained Ferl inside.release.“So what happens when you grow plants in lunar soil, something that is completely outside the experience of plant evolution?What will the plants do in the moon greenhouse?Can we have Moon cultivators?”To grow plants on lunar soil, Ferl and his team experimented with outsmarting them.They planted seeds in lunar soil, added water, nutrients and light, and recorded the results.The thing is, they only had 12 grams (a few teaspoons) of lunar soil for this experiment.They got a loan of land from NASA that had been collected during the Apollo 11, 12, and 17 missions to the Moon.Soil has been studied by many other scientists.They say it took three times over 11 years to apply for a loan to NASA.This is why they have to carefully design small-scale experiments."Trouble maker.Charming social media, pop culture practitioner.Loyal reader."Artistic reconstruction of the fish Otodus megalodon that ate the ancient swordfish around 11-3.7 million years ago.A perforation of the gums like this may cause the developing tooth bud to erupt.Credit: Jorge GonzalesDoes the world's largest prehistoric shark need a dentist, or does it have a bad lunch?Researchers from North Carolina State University and the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences examined the malformed teeth of the Otodus megalodon shark for the root cause: Is it growth or is it nutrition-related?The work could give paleontologists more insight into the developmental processes associated with dental injury in ancient sharks, as well as their feeding behavior.The subject of debate is an anomaly called double dentition, in which one tooth appears to be "split".There are several possible causes: During tooth development, two tooth buds may fuse into one or one bud may split in two (a process called germination).Mating and fusion can occur due to disease, genetics, or physical injury to the tooth bud."We don't have a lot of data on double tooth disease in ancient shark species," said Harrison Miller, a former undergraduate student at North Carolina State and author of the paper describing the work."So this is an opportunity to fill that gap — and maybe learn more about sharks in the process."The researchers examined three abnormal teeth: the 4-inch tooth of O. megalodon, a vicious tooth the size of a school bus that ruled the oceans in the early Miocene and Pliocene (from 11 to 3.7 million years ago);and two Carcharhinus leucas, a much smaller species of bull shark that lived during the same period and still roams the oceans today.Normal versus deformed teeth of O. megalodon and C. leucas.Credit: Matthew ZuhairThree oddly shaped teeth indicate some form of multiple dental disease.The researchers compared the teeth to natural teeth of both types and performed a nano-computed tomography (CT) scan of the deformed tooth so they could examine what was going on inside.While pathological teeth have more internal canals than natural teeth – confirming the incomplete division or union of two teeth during growth – researchers have not been able to determine the exact cause of the growth."Part of the difficulty in applying terminology from work to humans and other mammals is sharks," said Haviv Avrahami, a doctoral student at NC State and co-author of the paper.“Sharks have a cartilaginous skeleton, not a skeleton, so preserving their jaws is rare in the world.Fossil record Usually we only find isolated teeth.Also, sharks have different mechanisms for tooth development—They have constant replacement teeth, so you can't see what's going on in the rest of the jaw to rule out fusion or germination."Given what researchers know about this type of disease in modern shark teeth, they tend to point to eating-related injuries as a more likely cause."With O. megalodon in particular, the current concept is to eat mostly whales," Avrahami said."But we do know that dental abnormalities in modern sharks could be caused by something sharp that cut the evolutionary path.teeth in the mouth.Based on what we've seen in modern sharks, the injury was most likely caused by the bite of a spiny fish or a stinging stingray."We also know that O. megalodon had nesting sites around Panama, and that relatives of modern stingray species also inhabit the area," Harrison said.“And these thorns can get very thick.So this type of dental injury could suggest that O. megalodon was more of a common predator – and this O. megalodon in particular was having a bad day.”Lindsey Zanno, chair of the Department of Paleontology at the North Carolina Museum of Natural Science, associate research professor at NC State and co-author of the paper, agrees.“When we think of predator-prey encounters, we tend to maintain our sympathy for prey, but the life of a predator, even a giant shark, is no picnic either.”The work appears in berg This was made possible by Marc Kosteich's donation of aged O. megalodon disease (NCSM 33639) to the fossil collection of the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences."We are very grateful to Mark for giving this specimen to the museum so that we can learn more about this ancient animal," Zanno said."Many important fossils are hidden in private collections, where they cannot explain our beautiful world."Research reveals how teeth work and develop in giant sharksHarrison S. Miller et al, Dental disease in lamniform and carcharhiniform sharks with commentary on classification and homology of double tooth disease in vertebrates, berg (2022).DOI: 10.7717 / peerj.12775North Carolina State University introductioncitesWhat is the cause of this great shark toothache?(2022, 12 May) Retrieved 12 May 2022 from document is subject to copyright.Even if there is a fair agreement for the purposes of personal study or research, no part may be reproduced without written permission.Content is provided for informational purposes only."Trouble maker.Charming social media, pop culture practitioner.Loyal reader."Login, Register for BLT UMKM Phase 2, Get Easy Terms of IDR 2.4 Million & Succeed ImmediatelyVideo Links Similar to Jessica Iskandar, Full Version Hunted by Netizens, After Gisel Jedar ComesDenmark's Ericsson has been on high alert in hospitals since the fall of Euro 2020Synopsis Ikatan Cinta RCTI Tuesday, October 27, Andin was disappointed with Al's attitude by scolding himThe Girl Who Stabbed Her Mother 151 Times Was Not Imprisoned, Found Not GuiltyDefinition of Sources and Examples of Thermal EnergyHow to Get 12000 Free Diamonds at Mega Diamond Mobile Legends EventRealme 7 vs Redmi Note 9 Pro, Specs & Price Comparison